
COVID - 19

Coronavirus (COVID-19) Infection Prevention & Control Policy

All of us have been affected by the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.

I have missed being able to offer you the treatments that I know you love and benefit you greatly, and I am really happy to be able to see you again face to face.

My priority is to keep you as safe as possible. During the time I have been shut, I have completed the Coronavirus (COVID-19) Infection Prevention and Control course which is accredited by the Guild of Professional Beauty & Holistic Therapists Ltd, the UK trade body for our industry. I have since made a few changes in the way that I operate that you will notice when you next visit.

If I feel ill or have symptoms of COVlD-19, I will self-isolate immediately and not go ahead with treatment. This would mean that I have to cancel your appointment at short notice. I appreciate that this may be inconvenient, but it is done entirely for your own safety. If your appointment is cancelled and you have paid upfront, you will be able to re-book again or ask for a full refund or value replacement voucher.


If you or any of the people you live with feel ill or display any symptoms of COVlD-19 – please advise me as soon as possible and DO NOT COME FOR YOUR APPOINTMENT. I have amended my booking terms and conditions and you will not be charged for any appointments which you miss due to illness.

For your safety and to maintain social distancing, I ask that you attend your appointments as close to the appointment time as possible. Please do not turn up early for appointments as this may mean that you come into contact with other clients who are just leaving.


I have increased the frequency of cleaning at the entrance points and within the room, including making sure that common surfaces, toilet & door handles etc. are wiped clean using disinfectant products between each client.

For hands-on treatments:


All equipment will be disinfected for your safety. 


No soft blankets will be used. Any towels and sheets will be fresh for each client – I can confirm that the laundering of the towels used and of my tunic is a priority, and that they will be washed at 60 degrees C. Any soft furnishings/pillows will be replaced with items with hard surfaces that can be regularly disinfected.


Wherever possible I will utilise environmentally friendly, single use items during a treatment that will be disposed of safely after use in order to protect you from cross infection (eg wipes).

You will have access to soap and hot water to wash your hands with at the downstairs toilet when you enter my home, and I will also have hand sanitiser available for you to use when you come into the home and treatment room.


I will understand and not be offended if you wish to wear a facemask or wear disposable gloves when you visit my home, and during your treatment if this is appropriate.


Please do not be surprised or upset if I use personal protective equipment (PPE) during your visit and during your treatment. This may include disposable gloves, facemasks and apron, where appropriate.


Please bring your own bottle of water with you, to avoid any cross infection.

I will wherever possible defer from handing out business- and appointments cards, paper pricelists and aftercare leaflets, as well as gift vouchers, again to prevent any risk of cross infection. These can all be provided electronically.

I have carried out a risk assessment on all treatments and I am confident that I can continue to provide them safely under the new guidelines. As you will agree, for all of the treatments/sessions that I offer, social distancing is not possible, and those that involve touching the head & face are clearly more risky than those which don’t. We may be able to continue with these treatments shortly – provided that we follow the safety measures and guidelines. 

I understand the importance of hand hygiene and I will ensure that I wash my hands in according with NHS recommendations before the start of your treatment.


My aim is to make your treatment as safe, comfortable and enjoyable as possible. If you have any concerns about your treatments, please let me know and I will do what I can to satisfy you.


In order to avoid handling of cash, I would prefer if you could pay for your treatment by card or (in advance) using bank transfers or PayPal.

All these procedures have been implemented for your safety and mine. I will continue to take advice from the Government and the NHS regarding safe practice and will amend them as necessary.

Thank you for your understanding.

Femke A Williams BSN, MSc, S.A.C. Dip. Reflexology (level 4), MGHT

Reviewed 17/02/2021

Hi There

Please Subscribe to my mailing list to keep up with news & offers and receive a complementary ‘Soul Journal’ to download, with writing prompts and inspirations for Self-Discovery. 

If you do not receive an email within 5-10 minutes please check your spam/junk folder or email me at femke@rosewoodwellbeing.co.uk  


facebook page: Chakradance with Femke

Book onto a class: Chakradance Class


Chakradance is a fusion of ancient wisdom and modern world music for healing and wellbeing. ‘Move your Chakras, change your life!’ 

Chakradance is described as ‘rhythm for your soul’, and was founded by Natalie Southgate in 1998, in Australia. 

I offer this modality, by running classes and workshops within Worksop & surrounding areas (Nottinghamshire / South Yorkshire/ Doncaster/ Sheffield). 

At its core, CD combines the Chakras, Music, Dance and Mandala Art. It is a healing movement practice, a form of nourishment for your true self – for your Soul. Moving with your eyes closed or with lowered gaze in a darkened room, to music specifically created to resonate with each of your main energy centres (Chakras), you are guided into your own inner dance of release and re-connection. It offers a kind of liberation. It feels like coming home.

Free flow, your own style.

LIVE (in person) classes and workshops ~ see link below for all current & upcoming events

ALL materials supplied.

ALL live classes of 2 hours and more ( first time attending) include a pocket 7 Chakra Crystals set and a small journal & pen

Full Course (group) 9 week Awakening Cycle ~ £216 (early bird offers may apply)

Weekly 2 hour sessions during a weekend or evening for 9 consecutive weeks. Diving deeper into each chakra per week for 7 weeks + an introductory and integration session.

1,5 hour introductory session (group) ~ £17

2 hour sessions (group) (incl gifts +  refresments) ~ £24

4 hour (half day) sessions (group) ~ £48

1 hour Full Moon Get Togethers (group) ~ £17

3 hour Equinox & Solstice Celebrations (group) ~ £36

2 hour 1-2-1 session ~ £48


To book, please email me on femke@rosewoodwellbeing.co.uk or use the contact form.

ECourses and Online Private and Group Sessions offer Online support and engagement within a private/hidden facebook group, while you work through the course material and dance the dances over a set period of time, at home in your own space.

Reboot Your Base Chakra 10 day eCourse (typically I run these twice a year, around May and around September; please check the event schedule)~ £33

Intro sessions for events (15 minutes) ~ FREE

Soul Empowerment & Wellbeing
Coaching & Mentoring

I support you in cultivating inner calm, confidence and awareness on your path of healing, empowerment and fulfilment. I help you find ways to live more consciously and consistently in your body, recover from physical & emotional fatigue, embrace the present moment and set intentions and desired outcomes from this embodied space.


There are various ways to explore with you and help you find that much needed balance, joy, fulfilment, clarity and focus that you feel you may be lacking right now and we work together on all levels – spiritual, mental, emotional & physical.

I am Trauma Informed, meaning I acknowledge the role trauma may play in an individual’s life. Working with subtle energies, I have various tools and techniques to stop any re-traumatisation, and to help you break and heal from (intergenerational) patterns & traumas, learned patterns and behavioural patterns.

My Wellbeing Packages will always be tailored to your needs and can include hands-on therapy sessions too. 

For more specific Soul Work, Shadow Work & Reiki Based Sessions, please check out my extended sessions offering at tab Reiki & Crystal Chakra Balancing.

Standard Wellbeing Packages;

6 sessions package ~ £599: ‘Vibrancy & Rhythm‘ ~ Wellbeing Coaching addressing all 8 key areas of life, tailored to your needs.


9 session package ~ £900 ‘Health, Harmony & Vitality‘ ~ accompanies The Chrysalis Effect Online Programme (9 mnths, £296 paid separately) in the support of ME/CFS & Fibromyalgia Recovery. You can choose to do the online programme alone, or you may choose to receive Specialist recovery support & coaching from myself & the team, to tailor the programme to your direct needs and fast-track your recovery. 


Also included with these packages of care is a journaling work-book, follow up emails and touch-base support at agreed times.

  • Online sessions (via Zoom)
  • In Person sessions

Book a FREE 30 minute Connection Call and/or Health Profile Review for a talk about where you are at and discuss what would be the best next step for you to take.

Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT)

To BOOK, please email me on femke@rosewoodwellbeing.co.uk or use the contact form. 


EFT is a universal healing tool (also known as ‘tapping’) that can provide impressive results for physical, emotional and performance issues. It operates on the premise that no matter what part of your life needs improvement, there are unresolved emotional issues in the way. This is because, for basically ALL issues, it is now common knowledge that any kind of emotional stress can hinder the natural healing potential of the human body. It supports clearing out old traumas and welcomes us to face new challenges with a healthier, more positive and productive attitude. 

We use our fingers to tap on specific acupoints located on the face, head and upper body, and use affirmations to clear and shift stagnant energy. It may sound a bit woo-woo … but EFT Tapping with the help of a practitioner often works where nothing else will! It can also be used to provide impressive do-it-yourself results.  

Per hour ~ £40

Acupressure Massage (seated/ on-site)


This relaxing and at the same time reviving routine, can be offered in 10, 25 or 40 minute sequences. Because it is done seated and through the clothes, it can be offered ‘on-site’ for staff at e.g. local care-homes and at offices. 

But it can also be offered as a stand-alone session, from 25 and up to 40 minutes.

The benefits of this sequence are great, relieving muscle tension in particularly back, neck, head, shoulders and arms – promoting relaxation & stress relief. It also boosts the immune system and improves circulation.

  1. 10 minutes (taster) back/neck/head ~ £10
  2. 25 minutes back/arms/neck/head ~ £25
  3. 40 minutes back/arms/neck/head ~ £35

Swedish Body Massage

One of the primary goals of the Swedish massage technique is to relax the entire body. This is accomplished by rubbing the muscles with long gliding strokes in the direction of blood returning to the heart. But Swedish massage therapy goes beyond relaxation; it is exceptionally beneficial for increasing the level of oxygen in the blood, decreasing muscle toxins, improving circulation and flexibility whilst easing tension.

I offer Full Body Massage to Female Clients ONLY. There is NO tantric/sexual aspect to my massage services – please do not ask. Thank you. 

35 mins Back/Neck/Shoulder ~ £35

1 hour Full Body Massage (FBM) ~ £50

Buy a three session FBM block; ‘Body & Soul’ ~ £141 (saving £9, for *regular customers only)

(*regular as in at least once a month)

Indian Head Massage


The massage techniques used for an IHM originally simply evolved from Indian family grooming. It has progressed to include the head, neck, face, upper arms and shoulders. It has long-term benefits; encouraging healing of tissue, improving circulation, removing toxins, relieving muscle tension, pain and discomfort, and improving flexibility.

The massage techniques are very gentle, but can go very deep, depending on the individual and any conditions they may suffer. A little oil is used to massage the shoulders, neck and arms. It is best to have the shoulders uncovered, but it can also be done with a T-shirt on (then without oil). Clients are asked to remove jewellery and make-up (no foundation).

It may cause heightened emotions, as the system is bringing in a state of balance and relaxation, whilst clearing out ‘negativity’.

45 minutes ~ £35 (including 1st Consultation)

Buy a three session block; ‘Relax to Rebalance’ ~ £96 (saving £9, for *regular customers only)

(*regular as in at least once a month)

Reiki & Crystal Chakra Balancing
+ Reiki Explore


Reiki originates in Japan, and in simply terms means ‘Universal Energy’. It is used to help relieve stress or tension and many related symptoms, to promote healing from physical problems, to balance the emotions, to free us from restrictive thinking, and to be able to deeply relax. It can also provide a connection with inner wisdom.

Energy is channeled to treat holistically and to promote the body’s self-healing ability. Crystals can be used to help rebalance the chakras, and to enhance the experience.

Only as much Reiki as is needed will be drawn by yourself. It may be felt as a flow of energy, mild tingling, warmth, coolness, you may see colours, or you may experience very little – it is all ‘right’ and is never harmful.

REIKI 45 mins ~ £35 (including 1st Consultation)

Buy a three session block; ‘Peaceful Connection’ ~ £96 (saving £9. For *regular customers only


(*regular as in at least once a month)


REIKI CRYSTAL ALIGN 90 mins – extended reiki session with short consultation, and where you can chose your own crystals and essential oil to work with, and including a guided meditation. £77


REIKI EXPLORE 120 mins – healing session with intuitively chosen crystals, guided meditative Reiki; can include Tapping (EFT) for emotional release, coaching/mentoring tools to reduces anxiety & fear issues to help you break through damaging (ancestral) behavioural & emotional patterns or conditioned beliefs. I will be holding safe space as you journey.  £99

What can Reiki Explore do for you?

  • open you up to receive healing energies
  • gain clarity & release from pain/ painful experiences or even unexplained emotions, that you may have been holding on to and that are coming up for healing
  • feeling uplifted and alive
  • learning to better master your emotions – express and release them so that you can receive genuine joy in your life
  • feel more clear, on purpose and ready to commit to the next steps on your Soul path
  • feel more confident to have your own voice heard and to speak up for yourself
  • helps you to stop over-giving from a place of burnout when you can cultivate selfcare & selflove
  • trust your own judgement & higher self as a guiding light


It needs to be understood that the body has the ability to heal itself and to do so, complete relaxation is often beneficial. To combine various subtle healing methods & coaching/mentoring with this guiding energy, can enhance healing on a deeper (soul) level- but long-term imbalances in the body/mind often require multiple sessions in order to facilitate the level of relaxation and breakthrough energy work needed by the body/mind/soul to heal.  Healing is a journey, not a quick-fix, and it is also not linear. Life will continue to happen and changes in our circumstances and loss & bereavement are unavoidable. However, coming from a place of inner calm & peace will help you cope with life’s adversities – AND also to allow yourself to continue to see the beauty within all if it and within the natural world that is here to support us. 

Light Touch Reflex Therapy

Even a very light treatment of reflexology for the feet can help create a sense of balance, and with Light Touch Reflex Therapy (LTR), the feet are worked but only very lightly and in ‘holding’ positions ~ this is a way of tuning in energetically to what is happening with the patient’s system, and helping to correct any imbalances within the system. 

40 minutes ~ £30 (including 1st Consultation)

Buy a three session block; ‘The Sole Touch’ ~ £81 (saving £9, for *regular customers only)

(*regular as in at least once a month)

Reflexoloxy (Face)

Facial Reflexology has a natural Botox Effect! It makes you look as good as you feel and feel as good as you look! What every woman needs (especially over 40+) ..

Many clients who come to me say they feel lacklustre, unattractive, stressed or tired… Facial reflexology based on TCM (traditional chinese medicine) can help the body feel fit and well, just as reflexology for the feet can do! It is also a great way to relieve blocked sinuses. And, as a ‘side-effect’ (although it’s not a beauty treatment as such), it is also Beautifying! 

35 minutes ~ £30

Reflexoloxy (Feet)


REFLEXOLOGY is a natural therapy that can facilitate more vital energy, help boost the immune system and create a stronger body and calmer mind. Putting pressure on and massaging reflex points on the feet induces a deep state of relaxation. These reflex points correspond with the organs and other parts of the whole of the body. It is possible to release blockages and normalise imbalances, therefore allowing the free flow of energy to be released throughout the zones of energy pathways which influence the entire body.

1 hour ~ £40 (including 1st Consultation)

Buy a three session block; ‘Back on Your Feet’ ~ £111 (saving £9, for *regular customers only)

(*regular as in at least once a month)