“I feel stuck! ’Brain-fog’ is stopping me from thinking, feeling and seeing clearly … I just feel I don’t know what is right, or true for me .. why am I not that same fun-loving, sensuous woman anymore? The one that can handle anything and is in love with life ..?“
The truth behind the scenes
Above are one of my client’s words at the start of our working relationship. When we think about the fast paced world that we live in combined with society’s expectations .. it is no wonder so many of us feel this way. We get caught in a spiral of constant negative thinking and are feeling like there is not much to enjoy .. waiting to go on holiday abroad somewhere to ‘have some fun’.
My client above was successful in business, but she wasn’t happy. To admit this can feel like failure. To her it felt embarrassing to admit that what everyone saw was not what she was feeling behind the scenes.
I asked her is she believed that we were here to work hard all the time? In order to prove ourselves worthy of abundance, happiness and fulfilment? We did some more work on this together and she came to the conclusion, that it was what she grew up to believe as the truth. And she was now doing things that she thought she was supposed to do. However, they didn’t actually sit right with her and didn’t bring her joy.
The actual truth
The actual truth is that our natural state is to be in pleasure. Aren’t we always looking for something that makes us happy and fulfilled ..? That is the end goal! We have all our senses designed to taste, smell, see, hear, feel, touch and ‘sense’ all of the lusciousness of life! Our purpose in life is to use all of our senses and talents to do or find what we love, in a way that benefits ourselves as well as others and ultimately the world as a whole.
Change is challenging
My client had come to the conclusion that she had unconsciously built a business and life that wasn’t in alignment with her true self. When you find yourself not ‘in pleasure’, you are not in alignment with your true purpose. What we need is to have energy, stamina and confidence to put ourselves out there. We need to feel clear about what we do and who we are, to know exactly where we are going with it. To create a life of pleasure, flow and meaning. That can only happen when we are in alignment. In order to achieve that, (challenging) changes are usually needed.
How to get into Energetic Alignment
If you have been feeling ‘out of sorts’, uninspired and/or exhausted with the way things have been going for you, then check out these 9 steps to begin getting your life back on track;
- Get started with CALMING the mind. Try various ways to become more mindful and find a way to meditate that works for you (short guided meditations, walk, art, dance, music), do some reading on spirituality, visit a beautiful garden, get moving, seek support, give yourself some space, breathe .. slow your pace of life.
- Be AWARE that the world around us is actually a big mirror, showing us what’s off energetically/ misaligned inside us. You really do attract certain situations and people, which are due to misaligned vibes. Acknowledge your thoughts and feelings around those things that you are not happy with in your life. Journaling around this can give wonderful insights.
- IDENTIFY where in the body you are feeling it. The body is amazing .. it alerts us when we are out of alignment. More often than not we will find that our unexplained physical symptoms are merely protecting us from feeling. Because we’d rather cope with the pain than having to deal with the emotions.
- ALLOW yourself to express the emotions. It is so important that we are able to express our needs and our true feelings. It will help to clear up any misunderstandings in our relationships too, because when you can share how you feel, others may be able to relate and support you.
- Identify what it is you BELIEVE about yourself. What we tell ourselves, we believe. However, we may find that we are following the beliefs of others. If these are different from your own true beliefs you hold deep down, there will be inner conflict.
- Acknowledge what NEW FEELINGS you deserve to feel. So many of us are self-criticising because of our emotional mind looking back at the past through the lens of the present. Remember that you were young once and you didn’t know what you didn’t know; you may have made decisions you are not proud of, but you did, at the time, the best you could. It was not a life sentence, and you do not need to feel that way for the rest of your life. How do you really want to feel ..?
- Identify the NEW BELIEFS you wish to hold for yourself. Yes, this will take some work and no, you will probably not immediately feel better. But over time, you can begin to change your story you have been telling yourself for so long.
- Decide the NEW BEHAVIOURS & ACTIONS you will take that align with those thoughts, feelings, and visions. Get dreaming big! What moves you, gets you going, gives you joy? How can you bring more of that into your life?
- BE KIND TO YOURSELF. It takes time and inner work to come home to our true selves and work through the blocks that may be holding us back. These are usually limiting beliefs that we hold about ourselves. If you feel you can’t change things, then think about how you would advise a good friend in the same situation. You would want them to feel better and you would lift them up. So be there for yourself too!
About the author: Femke Adrienne Williams has a BSN and MSc in Health Promotion from Maastricht University (The Netherlands). She enjoys continuous learning and using her wellbeing coaching, natural health & healing knowledge and intuition to help others find their own resources and solutions to their life’s challenges, and to talk about ways that the human energy systems can support our physical, mental, emotional & spiritual health. When she’s not getting super passionate about her favourite topics of alignment, holistic health, moving meditation (Chakradance), engagement, deeper purpose, learning, joy & creativity, she loves to go up into creating her own art works, playing the piano, horseriding, spending time with her family and travel.
Wellbeing Coaching – Holistic & Energy Therapies – Chakradance
tel: 07969 137504